suboxone clinic treatment center

Addiction Services Near Lexington!

There is an addiction treatment center near Lexington. Our top-rated recovery program not only addresses acute withdrawal, but we also address chronic relapse issues. In most scenarios, most of the detoxification withdrawal symptoms from opioids are relieved within a few weeks. Then the treating doctor can taper the dose of the prescribed medication. Each individual’s schedule for treatment is based on the individual’s life circumstances and the treatment team’s judgement.

IOP Program

Restore Health KY is making a difference! A specialized addiction doctor will supervise the individual’s treatment and prescribe the required medications.  Health centers that specialize in addiction medicine are helping to change and save the lives of thousands of individuals who were hopelessly addicted to opioids.Buprenorphine suppresses cravings for opioids and withdrawal symptoms. Naltrexone is for individuals who have already detoxed, it blocks the effects of opioids in the brain at receptor sites. The goal of all these medications is to help those who have been suffering from opioid addiction to reduce drug seeking behaviors, and to help them to become more open minded about behavioral health treatments.

Suboxone Clinic

Addiction Treatment Center

We are taking new patients and now offer  telehealth and telemedicine! ! Our program utilizes a combination of behavioral therapy and certain prescription medications to treat those people who are suffering from opioid substance use disorders. The use of these medications has become a key component of the treatment of opioid use disorders, alcohol use disorders, and tobacco use disorders. Certain prescription medications are also used to combat other types of substance use disorders.

MAT Program

suboxone clinicThe overall cost of medication-assisted treatment will vary depending on the medication prescribed. Those individuals who are seeking treatment can check with their insurance companies to see if the treatment is covered or if they will have to pay out-of-pocket for services. Those who are suffering from substance use disorders can make an appointment our addiction treatment center where we use therapy and medication-assisted treatment. Our addiction treatment center near Lexington can help to change your life!



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