Your rights as a client, including confidentiality of your participation in evaluation and treatment services, will be observed in accordance with O.C.G.A. 37-3-166, 37-4-125, 37-7-166, DHR Rules and Regulations for Consumer Rights, Chapter 290-0-9; 42 U.S.C. 290dd-2,and Restore Health KY, INC .
Consumer Rights and Responsibilities Policy #2330, Restore Health KY, INC . program policies and any other applicable laws, regulations, and policies, including the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) privacy regulations.
A summary of these rules and regulations will be reviewed with you and are available for inspection at each service location. You also will be provided a copy of the CompServ Health . HIPAA Privacy Notice.
This information will be reviewed on an annual basis with you.
To services without discrimination on account of race, religion, sex, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, disability or cultural background.
To exercise all fundamental human, civil, constitutional, and statutory rights to which you are entitled as a legally competent citizen unless such rights are limited under due process of law.
To be treated in a manner that respects your individual dignity and protects your health and safety at all times.
To receive care that is suited to your needs in the least restrictive environment available that affords reasonable protection from harm, exploitation, and coercion.
To receive prompt and confidential services in a respectful and dignified manner even if you are unable to pay, subject to a review of your financial status.
To refuse services, after being informed of the potential risks and consequences of refusal, unless a physician or licensed psychologist determines that refusal would be unsafe for you or others, or a court mandates the service.
To receive care and treatment suited to your needs in a skillful, safe and humane manner with full respect for your dignity and personal integrity.
To a written individualized service plan.
To participate in planning individualized service plan and to be promptly and fully informed of any changes in the plan of treatment.
To participate, to the extent possible, in your own care and treatment, to be told your diagnosis and to participate in the development and implementation of plan of care.
To be informed of the benefits, side effects and risks of psychotropic medications in a manner and language that you can understand.
To be given the opportunity to secure legal counsel at your expense.
To receive considerate and respectful care and to be free from physical, verbal, sexual, chemical, and mental abuse, neglect, humiliation or mistreatment. Emergency interventions may only be applied when necessary to protect the consumers from injury to himself/herself or others according to the procedures outlined by the organization.
To be free from time-out procedures unless such procedures are used solely for the purpose of providing effective treatment to you and protecting your safety and that of others.
To be free from isolation, physical and chemical restraints unless such interventions are required to protect you or others from injury, or such restraints are otherwise determined to be required for your treatment.
To have and retain personal property which does not jeopardize the safety of the consumer or other consumers or staff and have such property treated with respect.
To converse privately, have convenient and reasonable access to telephone, mail, and to see visitors.
Parents/guardians of children or adolescents have the right to be involved on behalf of their children with limited exceptions.
To file a complaint without fear of restraint, interference, coercion, discrimination or retaliation. Any Restore Health KY, INC . (and its programs) staff person or the Client and Family Advocate can take your complaint and/or assist you in completing the Client & Family Grievance form.
All client’s have the right to expect that their records are confidential unless you have given permission to give out information or reporting is required or permitted by law. When the organization releases records to others, such as insurance, it emphasizes the records are confidential.