opiate addiction rehab lexington

IOP treatment center in Lexington, Kentucky

Our IOP treatment center in near Lexington, Kentucky is already saving lives! The national opioid epidemic is significant in Lexington and the surrounding towns and states. Those addicted to opioids have been losing the battle. The Covid19 pandemic is not helping matters!  Currently, we have seen the achievements of Medication Assisted Treatment and Technology, and specialists are helping to change and save lives around the nation. Reach out and get the help that you need today!

Restore Health KY

iop treatment center in lexington kentuckyAddiction medication, treatment, and technology are making all the difference.  Suboxone and other prescribed medications, coupled with counseling, and technology are saving lives! Our addiction medicine physicians, and other doctors around the country have already made great impact on this national epidemic. Those addicted to opioids need all the help and support that they can get in order to change their lives.

IOP Treatment Center in Lexington, Kentucky

Addiction medicine is making all the difference in recovery from addiction. Let our professional staff help you to get your life back today!The ends to addiction are death, institutions, and prisons, unless recovery from opioids is found. The nightmare is real for those living with opioid addiction! Now with the solution that Suboxone and addiction medicine treatment brings, the tide is turning with more people changing their lives and finding long-term recovery.  Suboxone is the most effective way to help individuals addicted to opiates to stop using heroin and other opiates.

Outpatient Treatment in Lexington

iop treatment center near meThere is no reason for anyone to die from opiate addiction now that there is the medication-management modality for opiate addiction recovery.  If you or someone you know suffers from opiate addiction, please get help today. Make the call to change your life! Call our great staff for an appointment today and they will guide you from there. There is hope! Call our IOP treatment center in Lexington, Kentucky today and change your life! 859-459-0796


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